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Safer and Easier Palletisation for Pharmaceuticals

23 Nov 2015

In the pharmaceutical industry, plastic pallets are generally the preferred choice for a range of applications. They offer high levels of hygiene, as well as being cost-efficient and lightweight. They can be used across different areas within the industry, providing convenience and ease of use. Manufacturers of these pallets are developing new ways to enhance the benefits, such as improving fire safety and rigidity.

Use of Pallets in Pharmaceuticals

Being able to rely on the safety, durability and cleanliness of pallets is crucial for the pharmaceutical industry. This enables them to be used within the manufacturing facility, as they can prevent both raw and finished materials from becoming contaminated. They are generally used when transporting the raw materials to lower the contamination risk. They are ideal for elements such as salt and dextrose and, as the material is inert, it can be used within the mixing or clean room.

However, as well as plastic, the industry uses other types of pallets, including steel and wood, for various roles. Stainless-steel pallets are also useful, as they are virtually indestructible and can be used during steam sterilisation. Wooden pallets, which are cheap and can be recycled or repaired, are often required for transporting the finished product.

Benefits of Plastic

There are a number of benefits to the use of pallets manufactured from plastic in pharmaceuticals. These models are becoming safer and easier to use thanks to the work of the manufacturers, who are constantly developing new production methods and better products.

For instance, more fire-retardant pallets are being produced to improve the safety standards. These still provide the same durability as a traditional plastic pallet but come with the same fire safety standards as wooden ones. This enables pharmaceutical companies which currently use wood pallets to use them without having to change their existing fire safety measures, as they will still need to be the same.

One-piece plastic pallets help to improve hygiene levels, as they can be easily and effectively washed to maintain the cleanliness. Some of these pallets can be used within racks and are extremely durable. This is a significant benefit to pharmaceutical companies, as there are not many new or used plastic pallets that are rackable.

One of the benefits of plastic in pallet manufacture is that it is impact-resistant. However, this can make the pallets pliable, and they don’t have the same rigidity as wood. Manufacturers have been looking at ways of creating a rigid plastic pallet, and there are now ones available that can carry substantial weights in a rack safely.

Transportation Issues

Companies that invest in these pallets don’t want to lose out during the transportation process. More pharmaceutical companies are using pallet support services, including pallet retrieval and recovery, to ensure they are tracked and returned at the end of the process. This allows them to use pallets that are best suited to their requirements and can be reused time and time again.

These new production methods and support services enable pallets to be used widely across the pharmaceutical industry. This can be achieved in a cost-effective way that ensures the products are manufactured and transported safely with minimal risk of contamination.

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