Plastic Pallet Recycling | New and Used Plastic Pallet PricesPlastic Pallets UK


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Plastic Pallet Recycling

16 Nov 2020

Plastic pallet Recycling

We offer plastic pallet recycling here at Plastic Pallets. Now more than ever before has it been important to put the environment at the forefront of what we do. Plastic waste is a fundamental issue in our current society. It’s now more important than ever to help the environment and reduce the waste that saturates landfills.

We are tackling the environmental crisis on plastic in a variety of ways. We offer plastic pallet recycling as part of our service, doing everything we can to promote sustainability. This comes with our cost-effective products, which can help benefit our customers in the long-term. Our effort is to protect the environment while supplying our customers with superb service.

We have systems in place so we can measure our environmental efforts and progress with our work. Our Quality and Environmental Management System is implemented to meet ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards, and we have pledged to protect the environment as well as prevent pollution.



Plastic pallet recycling comes with a variety of benefits to help sustainability. We offer a recycling service, whereby we can come and collect your plastic pallets once they reach the end of their lifespan. We then take these to our facility in Southampton.

The pallets are assessed, to make a decision on how best to recycle them. We either take them to get refurbished, where they can be used as a pallet once again. We sell these as part of our used plastic pallets collection. Alternatively, they are broken down to make new products.

It may be the case that the plastic pallet has gone past the point where it can become a usable pallet once again. In this case, we break it down into smaller bits of plastic, to go back into the recycling system to create a new product. This will help stem plastic waste.

Reduce Fuel Costs

When we collect your pallets in our recycling service, we are doing out bit to help the eco-system from the get-go. Plastic pallets are much lighter than wooden pallets. This means that they use far less fuel when being transported. Not only does this help our direct effort, but our customer can benefit from this when transporting goods. Collectively, we can help lower the carbon emissions produced in transportation with our plastic pallets.

Space Saving

Plastic pallets are expertly manufactured. This means they won’t warp or expand when exposed to moisture. As a result, they are fixed in their size. This can make a huge difference to the customer needing to store goods, as each millimetre can help. As less space is needed, the lower the energy requirements when transporting or storing your goods. Fewer vehicles will be needed, and this will result in a positive environmental impact.


With food waste a fundamental and growing issue in the UK, our plastic pallets can help reduce this. Supermarkets waste tonnes of food each year because it has been damaged or contaminated in some way during storage and transportation. Plastic pallets are not vulnerable to condensation, which prevents mould from forming. They also don’t break or splinter, which can damage food. Finally, they reduce the risk of infestations, as insects cannot live in plastic the way they can in wood.

Plastic pallet Recycling

Plastic Pallet Recycling Prices

Our plastic pallet recycling service can help companies create a greener supply chain. This helps to reduce energy consumption to lower their carbon footprint. We will continue our sustainability goals to help make a positive impact on the planet.

If you want to find out more about our pallet recycling, then don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can also find out about our wooden pallet prices. Just fill out our contact form with your details and specifications, and any questions you have. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a bespoke price.

Alternatively, you can call our freephone on 08000 288655, and we can discuss your preferred product. We can talk you through our various options and decide on the right wooden pallet for you. We understand each customer has a specific budget, so we work closely with you to find the ideal solution.

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