Earth Day 23 April 2016 | Why We Should Recycle | Plastic Pallets UKPlastic Pallets UK


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Earth Day 23 April 2016 | Why We Should Recycle

25 May 2016

Recycling is big news, and events such as Earth Day on 23rd April of this year have played an important part in helping to raise awareness about the importance of looking after the planet and preserving it for future generations. Whether that means switching from diesel to biofuel, using new plastic pallets because of their reusable nature when transporting freight or implementing more efficient logistics solutions to reduce waste, there are plenty of ways that logistics businesses can become more environmentally friendly.

The Importance of Big ‘Green’ Events

Earth Day saw a huge event in New York taking place, with the entire community coming together to recycle. They learned about different schemes for reusing materials, reducing waste and generating renewable energy from systems such as wind, solar, biomass and energy from waste. Community groups looked too at upcycling – the art of taking a used material and then transforming it.

Projects took place in urban gardens, craft collectives, cookery groups and more, with visitors finding plenty of innovative ways to embrace the reuse of things otherwise destined for waste – saving cash and carbon in the process. The Independent was just one newspaper that published an article looking at easy ways to make the planet greener. The ideas suggested included reusing plastic bottles, using a bike to make shorter journeys rather than driving and taking a reusable bag instead of a disposable carrier bag every time you shop.

Other activities include recycling caddies at home, composting bins, cooking from scratch, learning frugal approaches to housekeeping formerly used by earlier generations, and embracing walking groups and cycling clubs rather than driving everywhere. Community kitchens and grocery shops were also looked at.

Embracing the Green Mantra

Here at Plastic Pallets UK we are equally passionate about the benefits of the ‘reuse, reduce and recycle’ mantra, which also saves money by reducing waste as well as preserving the planet’s resources for future generations and making the world a cleaner place. This is one reason why we now use plastic pallet options. These Euro pallets are approved for reuse, and this cuts down on carbon emissions.

Reducing Plastic Landfill

Recycling plastic means that less waste goes to landfill, where it can otherwise sit for decades. Plastic can often be re-purposed into other products perfectly well. Euro pallet options use recycled plastics to extend the useful working life and give a fresh purpose to a new material. They are just as robust and fit for purpose and cost-effective too. Associated Pallets can help customers to recycle their new plastic pallets by offering a buy and sell service rather than have them disposed of after one use. It’s just one way that we can help the planet.

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