How To: Make Your Plastic Pallets Last LongerPlastic Pallets UK


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How To: Make Your Plastic Pallets Last Longer

01 Jun 2017

Plastic pallets serve a vital function for storing and transporting goods from one place to another. To safeguard plastic pallets durability, pallet users must prevent any damage from occurring.

If pallets get damaged, it costs money to replace or repair them. It’s possible that the contents of the pallet may also suffer damage, further adding to your bill. Worse still, if damaged goods become contaminated, this poses a safety concern to others. It’s not just the loss of your pallets that is at risk but your good reputation, too. To prevent plastic crates from getting damaged, follow these essential tips.

Choose High-Quality Pallets

One of the most important plastic pallet tips to prevent damage is to always choose high-quality products from reputable pallet suppliers. Inferior pallets that are very cheap may prove a false economy and may not offer the plastic pallets durability and strength you demand. Look for pallets that meet quality standards set out by relevant trade associations, such as the MHI.

Focus on Block Strength

Plastic pallet damage often occurs when the blocks on the pallet are hit by the tines of a forklift truck or pallet jack machine when attempting to enter the pallet. To reduce this risk, it makes sense to choose pallets with strong solid blocks or purchase blocks for extra reinforcement. Avoid blocks with an inner and outer shaft, as these can cause uneven weight distribution, resulting in damage.

Look for Bevelled Edges

Bevelled entryways on a pallet are better equipped to withstand damage or block puncture from contact with forklift machines than square ones, so think bevelled when selecting your plastic pallets.

The Right Application Matters

You can prevent damage to your plastic pallets by making sure they’re used appropriately for the right task. Different pallets are suited to different applications, so get to understand how to use them correctly in terms of what can be loaded on to the pallet and how they will be stored and shipped. If you’re handling fragile or heavy items, make sure that the pallet offers the vital protective attributes for these types of applications.

Handle Pallets Carefully

No matter how strong or sturdy your pallets are, they will only withstand so much mis-handling, so treat them with great respect at all times. Staff should be educated on the safe and careful handling of pallets at every stage of the pallet’s journey so that they aren’t pushed around, lifted incorrectly, thrown about or stacked or stored wrongly. Forklift truck or pallet jack operators should also be instructed to enter a pallet slowly to minimise risk of damaging the blocks.

Steer Clear of Snap-Together Products

Plastic crates that snap together in the middle of the pallet’s blocks might seem like a convenient and forward-thinking solution, but they’re not all they’re cracked up to be. In fact, the plastic pallets durability may be compromised in this case, giving it the same lifespan as a wooden pallet. Avoid these types of pallets to safeguard longevity.

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