Thinking Inside the Box - Types of pallet boxes | Plastic PalletsPlastic Pallets UK


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Thinking Inside the Box

08 Jan 2014

pallet boxes

These days we all have to be organised. In the age of instant communication and world-wide commerce, it’s even more important to have what you need at your fingertips immediately. Storage is a vital aspect of commerce which enables you effectively maintain organised stock levels and store goods in optimum conditions. Here is a look at the variety of options available.

Collapsible Pallet Boxes

If you need storage solutions but are short of space, one ingenious option is to use collapsible pallet boxes, which, as their name suggests, fold flat when not in use and therefore require much less storage space. Look for collapsible pallet boxes which have a lid and are stackable — if you have vertical storage capacity — and which are specifically designed to fit on a standard Euro pallet. These sorts of plastic boxes should also be able to withstand scratches and so should be manufactured from a high-quality material which has integral strength. For ease of handling, some will offer cut-out handles with flaps – this makes loading and unloading simple and quick, whether the load is heavy or light.

If you need to store materials for the agricultural industry, you’ll need a box with ventilation holes to achieve a good air flow and help preserve perishable goods such as animal feed to ensure a long shelf life. Ease of cleaning is vital in such storage, so make sure the design offers you this important hygiene option. Identification of goods is also essential to prevent wasted time in a busy environment, so good-quality plastic containers may also come with a label holder.

Closed Pallet Boxes

When you need a plastic container to fit on a pallet, perhaps for shipping to other parts of the UK or abroad, you need to source one that fits perfectly, is lightweight to cut shipping costs, can withstand heavy loads bearing down on it and comes with either feet, skids or wheels to suit your individual needs. Again, a variety of options are available, such as those with lids, collapsible sides and closed or perforated sides – the latter are perfect for the transportation of fruit or vegetables for the UK’s farming industry.

IBC Boxes

Intermediate Collapsible Bulk Containers (IBCs) are ideal for the safe, hygienic and effective transportation of liquids, either in the UK or abroad. Designed to fit on a standard pallet, IBCs offer reduced transportation costs due to their lightweight design and construction. If you need to move liquids around, look for ones which are scratch-resistant to ensure the strictest hygiene standards. To cut costs further, some manufacturers now offer a changeable and disposable liner bag, so each batch of liquid is kept pristine and meets the tightest health standards.

Plastic boxes offer a range of transportation options which can make your logistics simpler, easier and more cost-effective.

Chris Shawyer
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